Friday, March 27, 2009

My favorite color...

Usually people will tell you their favorite color is blue or green or pink or whatever. If people ask what my favorite color is, I try to see if they are genuinely interested in the answer. In general, my favorite color is blue. Specifically, I have two favorite kinds of blue.

The first was discovered almost 5 years ago when I went snorkling at Hanauma Bay. While there, my mom, brother, and I were able to see a sea turtle swimming. The color of the water was absolutely beautiful! This is definitely one of my favorite kinds of blue.

I discovered my other favorite kind of blue only recently. I was walking home on the south side of campus, when I looked up at the mountains. Then I saw the blue sky right above them. It is such an incredible color when contrasted with snowy peaks. This is absolutely beautiful.

Please, next time someone asks your favorite color, don't just say "green" or "red". Give a reason.

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